Support Us

The American Friends of the National Gallery, London (AFNGL) welcomes gifts from individuals, foundations and corporations who wish to support the work of one of the world's premier art galleries. 100% of your contribution to AFNGL goes to support the National Gallery.
You may be interested in joining the George Beaumont Group, the National Gallery’s prestigious group of patrons which has funded curatorial positions, acquisitions and temporary exhibitions. The group enjoys a close association with the gallery and its staff, and benefits from a variety of exclusive activities.
The American Friends of the National Gallery, London is exempt from federal income tax under IRS section 501(c) (3). A gift to the American Friends of the National Gallery, London is deductible for federal income tax purposes to the extent provided by law.
Tax-deductible gifts may be made by check, wire transfer, or credit card. Gifts of stock are also welcome.
To Donate By Check
Please mail a check made payable to "American Friends of the National Gallery, London " to:
American Friends of the National Gallery, London
31 West 34th Street, 7th Floor #7010
New York, NY 10001
phone: 212-812-4362
To Donate By Wire Transfer or To Donate a Gift of Stock
Please contact the administrator or call 212-812-4362 for details.
Another way to support the American Friends of the National Gallery, London, is to leave a bequest in your will or trust. Please contact the administrator or call 212-812-4362 for details.